
The Most Relaxing Way to Float

Inner-tubes are ideal for those slow, leisurely floats down the river that you remember from your childhood. Tubing is a great and relaxing way to enjoy the river and get some sun. Stay cool and join us for one of the best ways to float while de-stressing on the river.

Treat your family or group to a trip that takes you back in time as well as down the river.  This 2 mile float runs through the campground, and is for campground use only.


Campground Use Only
2 Mile Tube Trip
Regular Rates
$20.00 Per Tube
$30.00 Per Tube
Peak Rates(Sat. and Sun. only)
$22.00 Per Tube
$32.00 Per Tube


*Peak Pricing for floating is June 14th – Aug. 11th. Saturdays and Sundays only.


